Mission, Vision & History
Who We Are
Kepler Space Institute is dedicated to the expansion of human civilization from Earth into space. We believe this is necessary, both to acquire resources – based on the Law of Space Abundance to provide the fundamental needs of preserving peace and prosperity for humankind on this planet – and to extend life through our solar system and beyond. Our name honors Johannes Kepler, whose findings on planetary motion in the early 17th Century formed the basis for the scientific discipline he called “celestial physics.” Our aim is to support research, exploration and development of space resources.
The mission of Kepler Space Institute is to benefit society and advance human knowledge and expertise. The Institute is dedicated to the expansion of human civilization from Earth to Space. KSI is committed to discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge, educating the next generation of leaders, and the development of space exploration, commercialization, and settlement.

The Lemniscate symbolizes our endless desire for exploration.
Kepler’s Laws of Planetary Motion, a prime example of Kepler’s wisdom.
The multi-colored band encircling the planet the unity of diverse student culture.
The Gears working together symbolizes the benefit of intellect.
The Open Book represents our endless quest for knowledge.
Mission and Vision
Educational Mission
The mission of Kepler Space Institute is to benefit society and advance human knowledge and expertise. The Institute is dedicated to the expansion of human civilization from Earth to Space. KSI is committed to discovery, preservation and dissemination of knowledge, educating the next generation of leaders, and the development of space exploration, commercialization, and settlement.
Academic Vision and Overview
Kepler Space Institute will cultivate transformative impact on society through continuous innovation in education and research, with a shared commitment among all members of its community to promote the reverence for life and principles of equal opportunity, equity, and justice.
We are dedicated to fostering an open and collaborative culture, providing students an experiential learning experience combining practical skills and rigorous academic study in a diverse and inclusive environment. We seek to build a better world through empowerment, vigilant protection of individual human rights and freedom of expression and inquiry.
The KSI faculty members include experienced scientists, space engineers, professors, managers, experts in space law and policy, and an international collection of researchers in technical and non-technical space-related fields, all who will personalize courses and programs for scholars’career needs within the expanding global Space Community to address the challenges of the 21st Century.
For more information or any further assistance regarding course or admission, you can visit our contact us page or click the button below.
Kepler’s Guild
Kepler’s First Law: The Law of Ellipses
The path of the planets about the sun is elliptical in shape, with the center of the sun being located at one focus.
Kepler’s Second Law: The Law of Equal Areas
An imaginary line drawn from the center of the sun to the center of the planet will sweep out equal areas in equal intervals of time
Kepler’s Third Law: The Law of Harmonies
The ratio of the squares of the periods of any two planets is equal to the ratio of the cubes of their average distances from the sun.