We dedicate this Fall 2016 issue of the Journal of Space Philosophy to the scholars, researchers, authors, and students who dedicate their talents to improving humankind’s future.
The previously published issues of the Journal of Space Philosophy have captured a large spectrum of examples, including this one. Your search of the internet for futures, forecasting, or humanity will expose a huge library of references. We would like to recognize just a few currently getting attention from the Kepler Space Institute:
1. The Millennium Project, Jerome C. Glenn, Founder & Director: CEO, The Millennium Project (www.millennium-project.org); Global Futures Intelligence System (www.millennium-project.org/millennium/ GFIS.html); 2015-16 State of the Future (www.millennium-project.org/ millennium/201516SOF.html).
2. The career publications of Yehezkel Dror, Professor Emeritus of Political Science and Wolfson Chair of Public Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; specifically, his latest book publication, Avant-Garde Politician: Leaders for a New Epoch.
3. The work of professionals focusing on transitionalism (www.transitionalism.org). Transitionalism is a non-theistic spiritual worldview and social movement that frames individuals, society, and the environment within the question of the meaning of human existence as it relates to humanity’s present and future in our striving to become more human. David J. Kelley, Artificial General Intelligence, Inc., and associates, have been conducting bi-monthly workshops in American cities with the goal of publishing the Extreme Futures and Technology Forecasting Journal. See the article in this issue by Dr. Bob Krone and Salena-Gregory Krone on their participation in the most current workshop in San Francisco, October 22, 2016, title: Extreme Futures Technology and Forecasting.