The Kepler Space Institute Board of
Directors dedicate this Fall 2015 issue
of the Journal of Space Philosophy to
the need for humankind to ensure
Space becomes an environment for all
to live, flourish, and survive in harmony
and peace.

The Kepler Space Institute Board of
Directors dedicate this Fall 2015 issue
of the Journal of Space Philosophy to
the need for humankind to ensure
Space becomes an environment for all
to live, flourish, and survive in harmony
and peace.
Home > Graduate Admissions > Space Programs > Masters > Space Architecture3639 Cortez Rd. W, Suite 218, Bradenton, FL, 34210 [email protected] Degree:Masters Delivery:Online Application Fee:$150.00Fall Term (September) Spring Term (January)...
Home > Graduate Admissions > Space Programs > Graduate Certificates > Space Technology & Engineering3639 Cortez Rd. W, Suite 218, Bradenton, FL, 34210 [email protected] Degree:Graduate Certificate Delivery:Online Application...
This article is published in Journal of Space Philosophy 11, No. 2 (Fall 2022). To view the issue, please see link below. Visit Archives & Special Collections today, to explore past publications! [dpvfw_pdf_viewer_embed pdfviewer="104884" zoom_pdf="page-fit"...